Thursday, September 3, 2020

Top 10 Healthy Juicing Recipes For Diabetics in 2020

Do you suffer from diabetes – or do you know someone who does? It’s very common today, so here are some suggestions for the best juices for diabetics.



Best Juices for Diabetics


Pomegranate Juice 


Even though pomegranates are quite sweet, the sugars in pomegranate juice do not raise blood sugar levels, which is great news for anyone suffering from diabetes. Pomegranate juice also contains antioxidants which have many health benefits.

Take fresh pomegranate seeds and add them to your blender with a little water. The resulting juice makes a lovely.


Green Juice


Store-bought juices are designed to sound yummy – but you already know you can’t drink juices made only from sweetened fruit if you have diabetes.

Instead, put a mixture of green, leafy vegetables (e.g. baby spinach, kale) into a blender together with cucumber or celery, and add a few raspberries or blackberries for flavour. Add water and fresh orange juice and you’ve got a tasty green juice that’s also really good for you. And it won’t spike your blood sugar levels. 


Bitter Melon Juice


Bitter melon (also known as bitter gourd or karela) has been shown to lower blood glucose levels. It tastes very, very bitter, and you should not have more than 2 per day.

To make a juice from it, you can either juice it on its own (if you’re brave!), or add cucumber, lemon and an apple and juice them all together.

You can find bitter melon in Asian stores – it’s used in Indian cooking and it grows in tropical countries across the world.


Fresh Orange Juice


Avoid store-bought orange juices as they often have added sugar or other ingredients. As a diabetic, you can enjoy a small glass of freshly-squeezed orange juice – ideally with a meal. Or even better, eat an orange – you’ll get the fibre and antioxidant benefits. Oranges have a low glycaemic index.

Fresh Tomato Juice


Diabetes sufferers are more prone to blood clots, which can lead to cardiovascular problems. Drinking a small glass of tomato juice daily has been shown to reduce this risk – but make sure it’s unsweetened tomato juice.







Tuesday, September 1, 2020

What are The Best Fruit Choices for Diabetes Diet

If you have Type 2 Diabetes, you know how important it is to pay attention to your carbohydrate consumption. 


When you eat carbs, your body turns it into sugar, directly impacting your blood sugar levels.Below are best fruit For Diabetic patient.


What are the best fruit choices?

The best choice is fresh fruit, according to the ADA. They also recommend frozen or canned fruit that does not have added sugars. Check the food labels for added sugar, and be aware that sugar has many different names on labels. This includes cane sugar, invert sugar, corn sweetener, dextran, and high fructose corn syrup.


  • Apple
  • BlueberryC
  • Cherry
  • Grapefruit
  • Grapes
  • Orange
  • Peach
  • Pear
Good nutrition and fruits are an important diabetes care tool. If you have diabetes, a customized meal plan can help balance carb intake and medications to control your blood sugar level.

Meal Timing: Why When You Eat Matters for Type 2 Diabetes Management


Learn how to improve your blood sugar management and overall health with meal timing.

You know that when it comes to managing type 2 diabetes, what you eat has a dramatic effect on your health. But so does when you eat it.


“Eating regular, balanced meals is critical on multiple levels,” explained Vandana Sheth, RDN, CDCES, a Los Angeles-based dietitian who specializes in the management of prediabetes and diabetes.

From helping to keep your blood sugar stable to regulating your body’s internal clock, here’s why meal timing matters with type 2 diabetes — and how to create a schedule that works for you.

As you probably already know and have felt before, eating on a pretty consistent meal schedule helps to keep your blood sugar stable and you feeling energized throughout the day.

Go too long between meals and you’ll feel a noticeable blood sugar dip, Sheth says.

Meanwhile, if you budget yourself one really big meal per day, by the end of it, you’re likely to encounter a very dramatic rise in blood glucose and then a complete lack of energy the rest of the day, she says.

While glucose levels often hit their peak within about 90 minutes of eating a meal, the amount of time it takes for levels to return to normal varies from person to person. It also depends if a person is using a blood sugar-lowering medication such as insulin, which can quicken the comedown.

Regularly scheduled mealtimes are about more than blood sugar highs and lows. When you eat is also a powerful signal to every cell throughout your body, influencing levels of inflammation, how quickly your body can replace old, dying cells with new, stronger ones, the health of your gut microbiome, and even your circadian clock.

Or, better said, regular mealtimes might do all of this good stuff for your health because they support your circadian clock, explains Dr. Anis Rehman, assistant professor of endocrinology at Southern Illinois University.

A vast network of 24-hour cycles that runs in the background of every cell in the human body, circadian rhythms drive constant fluctuations in hormone levels, metabolism, and everything you do and think. They even affect how the body responds to medications.

Even your microbiota, the good bacteria that live in your gut and are proving to be integral to immune health, have strong circadian rhythms they have to follow for optimal function.

Meanwhile, disrupted circadian patterns are believed to add to the development and progression of chronic conditions like cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes.

Rehman explains that when you eat may affect the genes involved in setting circadian rhythm and metabolism.

How? A 2019 study in the journal Cell suggests it’s related to something you already know well: insulin. Released each time you eat, insulin not only triggers the body to absorb blood glucose, but it also acts as a powerful timing signal throughout the body, the study authors explain.

The takeaway: The meal-time strategy that’s good for your blood sugar management is great for your total body health.

While it would be handy to give everyone a detailed schedule of this is when you should eat, meal timing isn’t that simple.

“Everyone is unique, and it’s important to identify what works best for each person in terms of meal timing and blood sugar management,” Sheth said.

Here are five tried-and-true meal-timing guidelines to consider:

Eat a big breakfast

Eating a large meal in the morning and smaller meals for lunch and dinner may promote weight loss, lower glucose levels, and decrease daily insulin dose in folks with type 2 diabetes and obesity, research shows.

For the best effects, make breakfast a pretty substantial meal rich in blood sugar-controlling protein, fiber, and fats. Blood sugar levels tend to spike in the morning along with cortisol levels, so a lower carb breakfast won’t exacerbate the shift, says registered dietitian Aubrey Phelps.

Don’t go more than 5 to 6 waking hours without food

As a general rule, try to minimize any long gaps during the day without fuel, Sheth says, noting that 5 to 6 hours between meals is the absolute max most people with diabetes should push it.

Some people may even need to eat every 3 to 4 hours for optimal blood sugar management, adds Phelps.

Keep in mind that how often you need to eat is going to be a determining factor in your ideal snacking strategy.

Snack purposefully

Sheth recommends that her clients eat one to two snacks per day, but only if needed depending on their lifestyle, activity levels, and how they feel. After all, while some people really benefit from the snacks in terms of blood sugar maintenance, energy levels, and overall satiety, she says, others do better leaving things at three meals per day.

In the end, the most important part of snacking might be the intentionality behind it. Are you snacking at 3 p.m. because you’re hungry and your blood sugar levels are getting low? Or just because you’re bored at your desk?

Paying attention to blood sugar levels, such as with a continuous blood sugar monitor, can be really helpful in examining what’s going on for you, Phelps says.

Try to fast at night

There’s a wide range of opinions out there on intermittent fasting, or going for long periods of time throughout the day without eating, especially when it comes to optimal health in people with diabetes.

But the one thing most experts can agree on is that fasting at night — when your body is meant to be sleeping — is beneficial.

Try to go 10 to 12 hours each night without eating, Sheth advises. For instance, if you eat breakfast at 8:30 a.m. every morning, that means capping your nighttime meals and snacks between 8:30 and 10:30 p.m. each night.

When it comes to diabetes management, it isn’t just about what you eat — when you eat matters, too. And while there’s no one-size-fits-all approach, a little trial and error can help you find a meal schedule that works best for your health.

Remember to always talk to your endocrinologist before making any big changes to your meal routine, as it may require making changes to your medications and other aspects of your blood sugar management.

K. Aleisha Fetters, MS, CSCS, is a certified strength and conditioning specialist who regularly contributes to publications including TIME, Men’s Health, Women’s Health, Runner’s World, SELF, U.S. News & World Report, Diabetic Living, and O, The Oprah Magazine. Her books include “Give Yourself MORE” and “Fitness Hacks for Over 50.” You can usually find her in workout clothes and cat hair.

Advice for Living with Diabetes in a Food Desert


With miles of islands, sandy beaches, quaint villages, and a near-endless supply of fresh, local seafood, North Carolina’s Outer Banks may sound idyllic.


But if you’re living with diabetes and looking for a fresh bunch of kale, you’ll have your work cut out for you.

“I could walk to a harbor and buy fish and shrimp right off the boat,” Shelby Kinnaird, who moved to Hatteras Island in 2006, told Healthline. “Fresh, varied produce is what we lacked.”

When people think of a food desert, they tend to picture low-income urban areas. They don’t imagine a seashore like the Outer Banks.

Kinnaird once thought the same way, picturing a food desert as an area in a big city without grocery stories, where “folks have to shop for food at neighborhood bodegas,” she said. “But ‘food desert’ can also mean anywhere that has limited access to healthy foods.”

She had been living with type 2 diabetes for about 7 years when Kinnaird moved to the Outer Banks. The balancing act of diabetes management is never easy, but she was surprised by how hard it was to eat the type of diet she relied on to manage her blood sugar. Her knowledge and motivation hadn’t changed, but her food environment sure had.

Options for fresh produce were minimal: iceberg lettuce, apples, potatoes. There was no shortage of simple carbs and refined “white” grain products, but whole grain foods were few and far between. Seafood is certainly part of a healthy diet — but it’s not enough on its own.

Kinnaird knew that eating a nutritious diet helped her manage type 2 diabetes. The problem was how to get the foods she needed.

Many factors influence a person’s ability to get enough of the right type of foods.

“Food desert” is the term often used to describe a community that has limited access to a variety of nutritious foods. Food deserts exist in every U.S. state.

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has a system to locate food deserts. It highlights areas where people may struggle to access food.

To do this, the USDA compares the site of the nearest supermarket with the demographics of the surrounding areas.

In urban settings, a low-income area is marked as a food desert if the closest supermarket is more than 1 mile away. In rural settings, a low-income area qualifies if the supermarket is more than 10 miles away.

Transportation is a common challenge for many people living in these areas, whether rural or urban.

In general, it’s tricky for researchers to get an accurate picture of food access. Supermarkets are more likely to carry a range of fresh produce. That’s why they’re used as part of the definition.

A neighborhood bodega may carry a variety of healthy choices — or it may not.

Food access is a complicated thing. It’s about where and what types of foods are available. It’s also about employment, income, transportation, and the cost of food.

“Food security” is another big part of this conversation. Being food secure means you’re able to get enough of the right types of foods for you and your family.

The opposite is food insecurity, meaning you don’t have enough or are at high risk of not having enough food. According to 2018 USDA data, more than 11 percent of U.S. households are food insecure, representing more than 37 million people.

Some groups and communities face disproportionate levels of food insecurity, compared with the national average. Black, non-Hispanic households experience nearly double the rate of food insecurity, at 21.2 percent. More than 16 percent of Hispanic households are food insecure.

In general, households with children have a higher than average rate of food insecurity, especially those headed by a single parent.

People living in food deserts are also more likely to be food insecure.

Food deserts can include areas where some foods are widely available and other types aren’t.

The Outer Banks is a prime example of this. With no farms in the area, everything has to be trucked in. That task gets even harder during hurricane season.

Kinnaird recalled how difficult it was to find any fruits or vegetables that were fresh or locally grown.

In nice weather, the Outer Banks is tourist heaven, filled with ice cream stands, fudge shops, and restaurants serving big portions of starchy, fried foods.

Fun for vacation. Not so great for your everyday meals.

Food intake plays a huge part in managing diabetes.

People in food deserts have a hard time accessing or affording the best foods for good health. The American Diabetes Association (ADA) has guidelines for healthy eating with diabetes. For example, they recommend eating more:

These foods are great sources of nutrients and fiber. Foods with fiber are digested more slowly and help to prevent blood sugar spikes after meals.

In general, processed foods are more widely available everywhere. They’re shelf-stable and often cheaper. Processed foods also tend to be much lower in fiber and other nutrients.

The bottom line? People in food deserts get stuck with more processed foods and have a tougher time managing diabetes.

Research confirms it. Studies have focused on participants’ A1C test results, a way to measure average blood sugar levels over the past 3 months. A 2018 study linked being food insecure, a reality for many people in food deserts, with a higher A1C.

A 2017 study looked at changes in A1C depending on the grocery store status in that area. When local grocery stores shut down, people’s A1C levels rose.

Kinnaird wasn’t the only one who noticed the lack of fresh fruits and vegetables in the Outer Banks. A grassroots group was already looking for ways to improve access to fresh produce in the area.

“Once I heard what they were trying to do, I got excited.” Kinnaird, an experienced web designer, offered to build their website.

That group became the nonprofit organization Coastal Harvesters and applied for a USDA grant. “When the press release went out that we were awarded nearly $30,000, people had a lot more respect for what we were doing!” she laughed.

A farmers market came first, followed by a community garden. Along the way, the group faced challenges, from finding the right land to the regulatory hurdles that come with selling food.

Kinnaird offered straightforward advice for anyone looking to start similar projects: Get local officials on board, follow regulations, and make sure contracts cover every detail, right down to who pays the water bill.

She also suggested looking for local master gardeners who want to be involved. “They need to perform a certain amount of community service and are usually eager to help.”

In the end, the group’s efforts were worth it. Kinnaird loved seeing how the community benefited from working in the garden, especially the youngest gardeners.

“It was fun to work with kids,” Kinnaird remembers. “We’d show them ‘weird’ vegetables and have them guess what they were. Several times when we went back to the garden, we’d find kids had brought their parents to see it.”

Even with a successful farmers market and community garden, the Outer Banks isn’t an easy place to live with a chronic health condition. Kinnaird experienced challenges beyond food access. It was also hard to get the healthcare and support she needed.

One example: There was no endocrinologist in the area.

“My diabetes care was handled by a primary care physician,” said Kinnaird. “This doctor had to deal with every type of medical situation that might come up, like removing fish hooks from fingers.”

There was also no local support group. She knew that connecting with others who live with diabetes was important for her, but the closest group she could find was nearly 50 miles away. Despite the distance, Kinnaird said it was worth it. “I learned the value of peer support.”

Seeking out peer support also led Kinnaird to connect with DiabetesSisters. The organization is dedicated to creating supportive networks for women with diabetes and prediabetes, and they recognize that peer support is an essential part of diabetes management.

Today, Kinnaird is a leader for two DiabetesSisters chapters in Virginia, where she now lives. Chapters are known as PODS which stands for Part of DiabetesSisters. There are DiabetesSisters PODS across the United States for in-person and virtual meetups.

The factors that lead to food deserts, food insecurity, and healthcare shortages go beyond the individual. They’re rooted in bigger social issues.

For Kinnaird, it was helpful to focus on things she could do to improve her health and help her community, despite the barriers.

“While access to healthy foods is somewhat out of your control, there are other things you can do to manage diabetes,” she said. “Watch your portions. Manage stress, get plenty of exercise. Drink lots of water. Get enough sleep. Find a peer support group. Test your blood sugar. Keep track of the number of carbs you eat.”

Even in a food desert, it’s still possible to find some foods that can help manage diabetes. Using canned or frozen vegetables instead of fresh is an option.

Find other ways to get fiber in your diet if whole grains, fruits, and vegetables aren’t available. Good sources of fiber that are widely available include:

If you’re looking for inspiration, Kinnaird has a few more ideas. You can check out the fiber-rich recipes on the blog she founded, The Diabetic Foodie. Her newest project is hosting digital “cooking experiences” where she and her guests chat and cook a recipe together.

Another option is to start growing your own vegetables. Container gardening is a popular way to grow food if your space is limited. You can also check for community gardens in your area.

Beyond nutritious foods, look for options in your area to find emotional support. “The mental health side of managing diabetes is often overlooked,” Kinnaird noted. Supportive communities like DiabetesSisters can help you connect with others coping with similar challenges.

Improving access to healthy food and community support often starts with the great ideas of a few concerned people. Everyone deserves access to good food and good health, whether you live in a bustling urban neighborhood or a rural seaside community. It’s even more vital if you’re managing a chronic health condition like diabetes.

For Kinnaird, focusing on what she could change — not what she couldn’t — made a difference. Many factors are outside of our control. Given your own circumstances, she advised, “Make the healthiest choices you can.”

If your area faces food access issues or other shortages, be one of the people to start the conversation and reach out to others for help. Share your ideas for change and see what you can grow.

  • nonstarchy vegetables
  • unprocessed foods
  • whole grains
  • bran cereals
  • oats
  • seeds
  • popcorn
  • beans